Nightlife | Teen Ink


July 9, 2010
By fyreflies BRONZE, Randolph, Wisconsin
fyreflies BRONZE, Randolph, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 47 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Doctor Suess
"Oh, of course it doesn't hurt to slide in softball." (before I tore up both knees and before I slapped that person)
"Stay with me here now/And never surrender" Skillet

At night, lying there, staring into the black which stares back hauntingly
I think for hours, wondering why you were never really there
Why I couldn’t convince you that you have so many inconsistencies
Where my soul swirls with the venom and sadness of a witch’s brew

At night, tossing, flicking strands of messy hair from my restless face
I can only think, “Why didn’t I do better? Why can’t I quit hiding behind?”
Our friendship is a warm bind, yet sometimes I feel constricted
And these inconsistencies: Where do they start? Where do they fall?

At night, even while dreaming of places that should be my escape
Our problems follow me there, and my fears burn bright and sultry
The trees that once were green and slender are icy with my pain
And your eyes glare crimson out from underneath your dark bangs

At night, as I shake off the frigid sweat of the horrid nightmares
I can’t help but wonder if you lay awake, too, pondering and deep
If your nightmares are wreathed with my blank face turned evil
Wondering if our worries are all that have become of our friendship

At night, as I relish the fingers of dawn clenching an ashen sky
My spirit flickers again, realizing just how much has changed since square one
Then my eyes trace the sky, wishing that the fingers of the sun
Would grip the pale dawn just a little faster, a little more warmly

At dawn, I banish my worries into the abyss of my mind
Because I know I can’t live through a day filled only with this agony
Unrelenting, it’s time for me to live another day in this emotional life
Fearing the coming of another cold, melodramatic, sad night

The author's comments:
Sometimes, I lay awake, worrying, pained, troubled, angry, for hours, then sometimes I'll fall asleep only to the painful nightmares that won't let my sleep be peaceful. THOSE are the times where the dawn won't break fast enough.

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