Pain and Proud | Teen Ink

Pain and Proud

July 21, 2010
By Anonymous

Today I looked into your eyes I called a new hope.
I had a sweet smile on my face transformation and froze the rest.
Seeing how well his daughter was a pain to my heart attack.
Long, golden hair waving in the wind.
You know me would say golden
That was me a thousand times or more.
Height was like cypress. A minister would want to see more.
I could not judge already lost the magic.
Do not laugh at me your eyes
He seemed to be going crazy for it.
I went behind my back.
Did you have to know the difference?
I know you were not going.
You know me.
I just made the pain.
I wanted to run but my feet could not judge.
I then went back out to you my exact opposite.
I did not recognize the girl next to me I just met was more familiar.
You gave him a salute, and passed away.
I give you all these years I did not even know it.
Before you destroy my love.
We are friendly with you after you dust it.
I have lost the concept of friendship with you.
You could put your life all over the world except me.
You could give affection to anyone but me.
And again I love everyone except you could.
What I never realized that I never learned.
I myself did not try closer but I did not want to take away.
Quite far away from me.
This is not for you, my misunderstanding.
I share my troubles with my words.
I told you, I love to write.
Do I know you remember?
Really had me do something to back you?

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This article has 1 comment.

Bresa said...
on Aug. 16 2010 at 2:34 pm
When i read i thought that she really knew my feelings...