Gone As The Wind | Teen Ink

Gone As The Wind

July 27, 2010
By Katie_Grey DIAMOND, Leipsic, Ohio
Katie_Grey DIAMOND, Leipsic, Ohio
58 articles 10 photos 46 comments

Favorite Quote:
Difficult is not impossible - Relient K, "Hope for Every Fallen Man"

If all I had was love, would I still be lovely?
If all I gave was love, would you give up on me?
-House of Heroes, "Love is for the Middle Class"

She sits alone in her room trying to stare down the four walls that imprison her,
So why, she asks, must they still?
The painted bright walls do nothing to conflict the darkness leaking in from each of three windows
And from outside her door she hears voices whispering
secrets they have never truly known, playing at her future as if on strings of a puppet
with grander in their tone and a growing fallacy in their words
She fears that in reality they have always been as she hears them now,
though once she was much more naïve.
The thought draws the blood from her hands-
If only they knew what she knows now.

So her heart begins to flutter in her chest- faster, more quickly yet.
As a drum it beats the blood into her veins, her breath repeating the rhythm.
In her, like a tick, a feeling emerges
that rises and swells as a great ocean wave.
It breaks,it tears, it trembles,
She closes her eyes and the walls start to crumble
The sound of liberation as the pieces sink to the floor
the glass-one,two,three-
and the windows are lost, shattered without a trace.
The air shudders around her, willing her to stand when suddenly
her breath is taken aback by a gust.

When she opens her eyes she is static on her bed, the cold wind blowing bumps to her skin
The stars standing strong overhead.
She looks up to them then, and they gather in her eyes,
A smile plays on her lips and a tremor rings through her as slowly the breeze begins to take her along. Piece by piece she breaks away, anxiety leaving no trace as freedom overcomes
soon she no longer knows night from day, hot from cold-
She feels and she sees as never before the grass beneath her, the water, the land.
It all rushes by as sand through one's fingers.
But she does not forget it's beauty,it's place,
She laughs and she sings a marvelous song,
“Tomorrow, Tomorrow, fear not of tomorrow
and today will not seem so wrong.”

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