You Don't Love Me | Teen Ink

You Don't Love Me

August 6, 2010
By saramarie SILVER, Fairmount, Indiana
saramarie SILVER, Fairmount, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

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hate is easy. love takes courage.
the only reason in life is love.
i don't hate you i just strongly dislike you.
you're a great friend but if zombies chase us i'm so tripping you.
if i didn't have my friends, who would i be?

you dont love me
you only like me
love is when you wake up in the morning
and im the first thing on your mind
love is when you eating breakfast
you wonder if im eating too
love is when your on the bus
and you wonder what im doing at that moment
love is when you get to school
the first thing you do is find me
love is when you have to go to class
but you dont want to leave my side
love is when i get to my locker
and you're already there waiting for me
love is when we walk down the hall
with your arm around my waist
not caring what any teacher thinks
love is when i can look into your eyes
and know that you truly love me
you dont love me
you only like me

The author's comments:
i wrote this after my ex boyfriend told me he loved me then broke up with me and never spoke to me again.

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