Certain Death | Teen Ink

Certain Death

September 10, 2010
By Dglad GOLD, Russell, Minnesota
Dglad GOLD, Russell, Minnesota
11 articles 8 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“One of the great things about young people is that they do question, that they do care deeply about justice, and they have open minds.”
-Zac de la Rocha-

I'm queening in my final line
For something that might bring me joy, and pass some time
Between this moment now, and my last goodbye
When time isn't even considered a factor
Because I will be gone forever after
Then I'll cease to exist
But my soul will be missed
We are all awaiting this "certain death"
So cherish every breath
As if it were your last
And try not to be hateful upon to the others
For this life is to short
And everybody could use a break
From acting so particularly fake
This is the one line you don't want to hurry
The faster you go the quicker you get buried
In this great wait till the end
Ignore the hate, and friend thy friend
Be thankful that you have this incredibly boring time
Hopefully that will slow down this line
Prepare for the future and don't stow on the past
Because life always moves way too fast

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