Boy Manual | Teen Ink

Boy Manual

September 12, 2010
By kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
22 articles 5 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is either an adventure...or nothing" -Helen Keller

Love you one day hate you the next
Turn right to the index
Jealousy, possession, and obsession
Flip to the emotional problems section
Mean, teasing, fighting, and rude
Turn to chapter 2: Their flirting attitude
Beautiful, pretty, attractive, hot?
Page 30: What boys think that you do not
A manual would be great
For each boy we date
Cause they are oh so confusing...
and very amusing!

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I was twelve and it makes me laugh everytime I read it! Hope you guys like it!

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This article has 17 comments.

on Mar. 16 2011 at 9:31 pm
IamtheshyStargirl PLATINUM, Lothlorien, Utah
44 articles 16 photos 2206 comments

Favorite Quote:
Boredom instigates extreme creativity.

"Bowing gratefully to all of my subjects, 'thank you. Thank you. The pleasure is mine." Nah, I'm just kidding. We're all kings together.'"

Awesome, how very wry, and with such a lovely flow, too. Wish I could do that :)

MRose911 GOLD said...
on Dec. 1 2010 at 10:20 pm
MRose911 GOLD, Paradise, Utah
17 articles 10 photos 107 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No boy is worth crying over and the one who is won't make you cry." - Sarah Kane

FABULOUS poem!! :) you should check out my work sometimes :) i would love to hear what you think ;)

on Dec. 1 2010 at 9:14 pm
kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
22 articles 5 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is either an adventure...or nothing" -Helen Keller

haha(: thanks

on Dec. 1 2010 at 12:50 pm
Boosflash DIAMOND, Papillion, Nebraska
55 articles 0 photos 2066 comments

Favorite Quote:
What the front door.

I like it even more knowing that you were twelve when you wrote it. I was almost done reading it when i realized that it rhymed. fait ta danse captain.

on Nov. 7 2010 at 1:22 pm
PrincessPea PLATINUM, Covington, Georgia
23 articles 0 photos 71 comments

Favorite Quote:

lol i know right

on Nov. 7 2010 at 12:40 pm
kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
22 articles 5 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is either an adventure...or nothing" -Helen Keller

glad you like it! and ya i wonder too :P

on Nov. 7 2010 at 12:40 pm
kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
22 articles 5 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is either an adventure...or nothing" -Helen Keller

thank you! and I will keep that in mind ;)

XCLover GOLD said...
on Nov. 7 2010 at 12:04 pm
XCLover GOLD, Sandpoint, Idaho
18 articles 0 photos 92 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know I run like a girl, try and keep up!" ~Anon
"You only ever grow as a human being if you are outside your comfort zone." ~Percy Cerutti
"The hug is incomplete without you :3" NinjaMan

I love this! The rythym is awesome, but it does get lost sometimes. Try keeping an eye on the number of syllables in each line, it'll help keep the rythym going through the whole poem.

on Nov. 6 2010 at 9:45 pm
PrincessPea PLATINUM, Covington, Georgia
23 articles 0 photos 71 comments

Favorite Quote:

that i s how i feel at this moment like right now omg you so understnad nobody else does. they are so confusing but asmusing at the same time. wonder what tommorow has in stake for us

on Oct. 26 2010 at 8:16 pm
kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
22 articles 5 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is either an adventure...or nothing" -Helen Keller

hahaha(: i am glad it made you laugh ha ha ha :) and thanks i am glad you enjoyed reading them!

on Oct. 26 2010 at 4:02 pm
Hummingbird GOLD, Berryton, Kansas
16 articles 0 photos 56 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller

Oh dear, this made me laugh :) Although I dont know what it is like to date, I know that boys can definitely be this way! I like your rhyming words and I just wanted to let you know that it was an honor to be able to read all of your wonderful work. Keep writing!!

on Oct. 19 2010 at 9:08 am
kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
22 articles 5 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is either an adventure...or nothing" -Helen Keller

haha(: so glad to hear it made your day! (: thanks for taking the time to read all my stuff it means alot to me! (: I will be SURE to look at your stuff as you keep posting more:) thanks again!

on Oct. 18 2010 at 11:59 pm
mwahxandxmwa SILVER, Melbourne, Other
6 articles 0 photos 135 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Silence is golden...duct tape is silver" - a random T-shirt This made me laugh and smile. So true and on the subjects on manuals i'd like one for parents, one for sisters, one for friends, one for enemies and one for teachers. I'd also like off and mute buttons! well i really hope pigs learn to fly soon....mwah :D

on Oct. 6 2010 at 9:04 am
kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
22 articles 5 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is either an adventure...or nothing" -Helen Keller

I'm glad you liked it (: ya thats boys for ya :P

AlyssaNeal said...
on Oct. 6 2010 at 7:50 am
AlyssaNeal, Spotsylvania, Virginia
0 articles 0 photos 9 comments
I smiled when i read this one, because,well,it's so true. Every boy is so different, from looks, to personality. It takes a while to find the right one.

on Oct. 3 2010 at 6:57 pm
kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
22 articles 5 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is either an adventure...or nothing" -Helen Keller

ha ha thanks, I wrote it when I was like 11 so it could be better :P and ya i will be sure to!

on Oct. 3 2010 at 5:56 pm
Valerie1234 GOLD, Whitmore Lake, Michigan
17 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all"

Wow, this is pretty good. I really get what you're saying.  I've dealt with quite a few guys and often thing how nice it would be to have a book of rules.  Keep up the good work and check out my stuff.