I Didn't Say | Teen Ink

I Didn't Say

September 25, 2010
By saramarie SILVER, Fairmount, Indiana
saramarie SILVER, Fairmount, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

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hate is easy. love takes courage.
the only reason in life is love.
i don't hate you i just strongly dislike you.
you're a great friend but if zombies chase us i'm so tripping you.
if i didn't have my friends, who would i be?

i didn't say i loved you
because i didn't mean it

and i didn't say i cared
because it was true

i didn't say i would hurt you
because i know i never will

i didn't say i would lie
just to make you happy

i didn't say not to love
because i know you will

i didn't say not to care
because i know you do

i didny say to hurt me
because i didn't think you would

i didn't say not to lie
because i never dreamed you would

I said i love you
because i really

I said i care about you
because i truly do

i said i wouldn't lie
because you know im not like that

i said i wouldn't hurt you
because i knew i never could





all such simple words
that can bring so many tears

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