Ocean On My Own | Teen Ink

Ocean On My Own

October 7, 2010
By Kael96 PLATINUM, Shiloh, New Jersey
Kael96 PLATINUM, Shiloh, New Jersey
32 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just a small town girl/ living in a lonely world/ took a midnight train/ going anywhere."

I used to stand,
back against the ocean,
listening to the calls of the seagulls,
taking comfort in the whoosh of the waves,
feeling each fresh, salty breath in my lungs,
and each grain of sand between my toes.
I used to walk,
feet being pulled in by the tide,
watching the innumerable gulls walk beside me,
feeling the foam brush my ankles,
the air tickling the back of my neck and the tips of my ears,
the sand, below me, always coming and going.
I used to sit,
facing the waves, just out of reach,
gazing at the birds soaring right above the water,
hearing the tide in time with my breathing,
the light, playful air surrounding me,
the sand my cushioned throne.
I used to lay,
beach towel underneath,
seeing the birds strut on the sand,
the waves the only sound,
the air mine alone,
the sand cascading along my being.
Now I gaze,
far away in the distance,
at the seagulls, slowly diminishing,
at the sea, turning blacker and grimier,
at the sky, dark with poisons,
at the sand, ruined with the rubbish of mankind.
And I weep.

The author's comments:
I was at the beach this summer, and I just thought about how, if our world keeps going in the same direction it's headed in, the glorious beaches we know and love will be gone.

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This article has 1 comment.

redz14 SILVER said...
on Mar. 5 2011 at 2:39 pm
redz14 SILVER, Bridgeton, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 21 comments
I LOVE this one :) Use this one for the contest. Okay??? Okay! ahah I just love it :D