Past the Trees | Teen Ink

Past the Trees

October 14, 2010
By WintersFuri SILVER, Superior, Wisconsin
WintersFuri SILVER, Superior, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
May the gods have mercy on you because no one else ever will.

I look behind me to the past then I look ahead past the trees but both ways are unclear.
If I go back will the future be any different?
Will I still be me if I change the fights?
The tears?
The screams?
If I am will they be the same or will every thing change?
Can we all take who we are and change the past or should we take the past and look past trees to the future?

The author's comments:
I was thinking about how if I changed something in the past I would never know if things would stay the same, I have nine months until I am eighteen and i have no clue whats lies beond the trees...

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