Wonderland v.s. Reality | Teen Ink

Wonderland v.s. Reality

October 26, 2010
By CynthiaM GOLD, Plainfield, New Jersey
CynthiaM GOLD, Plainfield, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If violence doesn't solve anything then why would you encourage it with war"

You turned around
and left me standing there
Over and Over
I heard you name in my ear
but no fear
Wonderland is here
To take me away
keep me with you
I'm begging you to stay
But like a daydream
you faded away
And like a good daydream
I could never get you back
I think I snapped
A light inside me shone
Like a wildfire
it seemed it was never done
My Wonderland almost won
But Reality is strong
And unless you die early. . .
It last very long. . . . .

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