Love Is Fake coming from youu | Teen Ink

Love Is Fake coming from youu

November 19, 2010
By BeatrisA SILVER, Staten Island, New York
BeatrisA SILVER, Staten Island, New York
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself don't let anyone change who you are <3

It isn't real to say this if you don
't mean it
Why Bother hurting me in the end?
Why Bother wasting your breath?
Save your energy save mine too
It's not real it's not true
I do not believe it I cannot
How many times have you spoke this to other females?
How many of them actually fell for this?
Understand it's not funny or fun
To have you hurt me like that
You say you love me, I say I love you too. The next day I am dead. Your love was fake it caused a break in my heart
It caused me to die
Let me answer that...
Because you are a lie &lt;/3

The author's comments:
I was remembering the times I had a broken heart and the times 'I love you's' were being treated like something dirty something fake something that is not there and will not be for a long time

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