How I Feel | Teen Ink

How I Feel

December 5, 2010
By MikkiJeanne SILVER, Loganville, Georgia
MikkiJeanne SILVER, Loganville, Georgia
8 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life as though you would die tomorrow
Learn as though you would live forever..."

When I Think of You
My stomach is a jar of butterflies
My heart beats rapidly
My eyes glaze over

I don't want this
For it to be this way
It is though
And it scares me

Will it go somewhere
Will this feeling ever leave
Will the butterflies evaporate
Will my heart slow down

Tell me if you feel the same
Tell me how you feel
Are you just a friend
Or more than that

I've heard all the rumors
I've heard all the lies
Have I heard truth
Can I see it in your eyes

The way you look at me
I can't comprehend
Will you tell me what it means
Will you tell me if I'm more than a friend

I want to know
I'm scared to know
What if you don't feel this way
What if you do

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I was madly in like with somebody. Shortly after, my feelings ending. The two of us are still close friends to this day.

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