Deaths Kiss | Teen Ink

Deaths Kiss

January 11, 2011
kathrynnnyte BRONZE,
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love is a fleeting dream<br /> hatred is reality<br /> pain is forever

I cried myself to sleep

as you slowly slipped away.

I knew I would open my eyes

but, you wouldnt see another sunlit day.

You broke our hearts

and took a peice with you.

It hurts so bad,

the pain is always new.

You promised me you wouldn't,

so what made you do this?

What was so horrible

you had to have deaths kiss?

The author's comments:
My closest cousin committed suicide three years ago. I thought she was doing better but then I moved. To this day I still feel as if I abandoned her. I know this isn't true and writing this piece has helped me see that.

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