Math ... | Teen Ink

Math ...

February 18, 2011
By lyrical_lie SILVER, Blountstown, Florida
lyrical_lie SILVER, Blountstown, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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pain is only weakness leaving the body

X plus five equals a number less then 200...
got my calculator and some discombobulate thoughts..
why would Tammy even need to no the area of her garden !?
math is so useful and amazing ..
all adults swear we will need it but they could never honestly state that they have used it in their career..
why should we have to rack our brains to find a answer...
a close teacher told me once
"math is the easiest subject in school, you answer is either right or wrong no in between.."
OK captain obvious..
thanks for the encouragement..
i am not sure if your in the same boat as me but you no that big test they make you take at the end of the year..
the one you always Christmas tree..
well the State of Florida decided that there was too many kids passing it..
yea end of course exams < yay.. >
now how can i graduate i have to pay attention..
i take two math classes
and i happen to think math is very hard and dumb..
but i guess that one day i mite need to put new carpet in and i would have to no how to find the area of the space
but hello!!
that's what men are for..
regardless you no what i mean
math is just a way to work your self up over nothing
don't dare say you enjoy math i will have to go read a book if you do..
well OK Tammy you have fun with finding the area of your garden..
i am going to learn something i can really use.. (and its not math)

The author's comments:
just math who needs it

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