Making you proud... | Teen Ink

Making you proud...

March 22, 2011
By Puzzlepeace GOLD, Bellevue, Nebraska
Puzzlepeace GOLD, Bellevue, Nebraska
10 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Music is all around you, all you have to do... is listen.&quot;<br /> -August Rush

In my dreams, i see myself as the little girl i used to be.
I strive to become the big girl my parents want to see.

Hardships in my life are pulling me down.
I reach for the sky, but end up touching the ground.

I see the disappointment i have caused.
Sometimes i just wish i could just stop and pause.

Maybe rewind a little to the girl i once was.
When not so much was expected and i never gave up.

Soon, maybe someday, i can make you proud.
Instead of hitting the ground, i sit up on a cloud.

I get recognition and honors, while you sit in the crowd.
I can see you from the stage,
you cry from being proud.

But until that day comes, ill have to settle for dirt.
Until i come become all that I'm worth.

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