Homeless | Teen Ink


March 30, 2011
By Puzzlepeace GOLD, Bellevue, Nebraska
Puzzlepeace GOLD, Bellevue, Nebraska
10 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Music is all around you, all you have to do... is listen.&quot;<br /> -August Rush

Life is never what you ask for,is it.
Everybody around you getting in your business.

I could ask for the sun instead of the rain.
The moon and the stars instead of this pain.

I could ask for chocolates and sweets instead of bruises and welts.
But i guess back then, thats how everyone felt.

I could ask for a puppy, or kitten or maybe a mouse.
But for now I am wandering, trying to find a small house.

I could ask for a warm bed, some breakfast and maybe some sheets.
But as time rolls by, my hope Depletes.

I could ask for knowledge, and a chance to shine.
But i just sit on a bench and hope for the sun to shine.

I wander around, looking for a place to go.
But it seems to me, that no one is home.

Is everyone really this selfish to help me?
I guess for tonight I will just huddle under a tree.

A tree with Broken branches that resemble my heart.
I have been asking the same question all from the start.

Will you not help me? Not help me to grow?
Will you not be unselfish? Would you just let me go?

Go to a place where i have nowhere to live.
When you have some spare change, that you know you can give.

I pray for you and your ways, that maybe someday you will see.
That the world is never perfect. Especially, if there is someone in it, like me.

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