Pink Days | Teen Ink

Pink Days

April 16, 2011
By taintedblack00 BRONZE, Eastsound, Washington
taintedblack00 BRONZE, Eastsound, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone. <br /> - Andy Biersack <br /> <br /> Never fear the shadows. They simply mean there&#039;s a light shinning somewhere nearby.<br /> -Ruth E. Renkel

Pink ribbon flutteres to the floor
Comes to rest, forever to stay buried.
Buried in dust.
Left to gather more.
Once and intracite bow bouncing
With red waves.
Now a distant memory of a forgotten childhood
So far away.
Lost in a life of hostory.
Forced to the back of no one's mind.
Left to brown with age in time.

The author's comments:
this poem is about a girls childhood so long ago when tings were simpler.

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