YOU By Beachgirl1 | Teen Ink

YOU By Beachgirl1

April 23, 2011
By Beachgirl1 PLATINUM, Bellevue, Washington
Beachgirl1 PLATINUM, Bellevue, Washington
32 articles 4 photos 178 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If You Don't Fight Back, You've Already Lost."
"Don't suppress Laughter, it goes to your thighs."

You are just one stitch within a quilt,
you yearn to be recognized,
but what can you do?

This quilt is so vast, so strong,
you cannot break free.

Its stitches are tight,
pulling you in.
You wail.
You need to be heard, npt as a shadow,
but as a light.

You are noticed,
notice for your pain,
your devastation,
But the stitches do not loosen,
they hold stronger and tighter, grasping you to them.

Holding unyielding to your sob shaken body.

They will not give you up,
for you are always noticed,
always loved.

If they let you go,
they would be giving up the part of the quilt that holds it together.

Do not break away,
you are needed,
you are a shadow,
but you are constructed by light.

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