Poet Tree | Teen Ink

Poet Tree

May 13, 2011
By Rustinizer BRONZE, San Deigo, California
Rustinizer BRONZE, San Deigo, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Today you are You,
that is truer than true.
There is no one alive
who is Youer than You."
- Dr.Seuss

Poet Tree
Hurdling one tree to the other in this dreaded wilderness,
as I land on poet tree.
Making a native escape from my wounded wings and my rabid heart.
Emotion, where I cannot show;
Poet tree-- is where I can.
Sheltering me from the predators that hunger guides,
The sadistic glare that sin has beleaguers me with,
Poet tree is my imagination that reassures me.
When times were young, when I needed to learn to fly,
Poet tree took my risk, and with its’ words, it pushed me to fall,
I remembered the rhythm of its words, the echo of excitement,
The beat aroused my mind into awe, seeing myself soar though the crisp sky.
Poet tree helped me though life or death situations.
Yet, poet tree is still growing. And so will I.

The author's comments:
Initially, this was an assignment, but one of my teachers said she really liked it, and said I had talent. She directed me to this website; I just wanted to try it out.

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