Falling from Grace | Teen Ink

Falling from Grace

May 21, 2011
By Madeline101 BRONZE, Red Hook, New York
Madeline101 BRONZE, Red Hook, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;You&#039;ve gotta dance like there&#039;s nobody watching, <br /> Love like you&#039;ll never be hurt, <br /> Sing like there&#039;s nobody listening, <br /> And live like it&#039;s heaven on earth.&rdquo; <br /> ― William W. Purkey

All of the smiles
All the laughs
Fade away
Mist in the shadows
Like yesterday
Like the past
Holding on to the memories
Memories come last
Holding on to the love
That doesn’t exist
Dying of
Trying not to weaken
Watching the darkness of hearts
One by one
They succumb to the shadows
I will join them
Or they will join me
The more things change
The more things stay the same
To save my fate
Make no mistakes
I will keep myself from
Falling from Grace.

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