Wishes & Dreams | Teen Ink

Wishes & Dreams

June 15, 2011
By TanazMasaba GOLD, Dhaka, Other
TanazMasaba GOLD, Dhaka, Other
16 articles 10 photos 214 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's Heaven on Earth."

---William W. Purkey

Now isn’t this enchanting,
To feel you when you’re not here?
To hear your voice speak so softly
When your words are nothing but haunting dreams
Outside the realms of reality?

Oh and does she know,
Does she know what you are shying away from?
Did you tell her? And do you know,
If some day there’ll come a time when you’ll hold her?

You sigh and you wait
And you dream of what he said
But do you really know what it’s like?
When dusk creeps over and the stars lit up,
And makes you think it’s meant to be,
How do you know it’s not just a case of wishful thinking?

Starstruck dreamers
And broken grievers
Giving life a new color,
But I am too busy to wait in the courtyard
There’s a race track I’ve got to win,
At the speed I’m running, at the pace my life is moving
I wonder if my feet would ever pause to rest
And stumble straight into the nest of a lover’s dream.

The author's comments:
It is so unlike me to write anything romantic, but I guess this poem is not really a love poem, more like my opinion on the matter.

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