Immoble | Teen Ink


June 23, 2011
By Inittowinit SILVER, Albertson, New York
Inittowinit SILVER, Albertson, New York
8 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Stacks of hay, piled from floor.
Dawn breaks through window,
gleaming brightly as twinkling stars.
Apples golden at daybreak.
Heads of horses lined by rows,
all munching peacefully.
As hours pass by,
flies swarm the humid air.
The day, lazily sifting by.

Outside, horses played in pens.
Men were children.
Whereas, on the hay,
there lay still and immoble,
Lennie's pup.
Burried midway under heaps of piled straw.
Blank expressions.
Motionless life.
Dawn never came.

The author's comments:
Bases of the book : Mice of Men

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