Failed Romance | Teen Ink

Failed Romance

July 20, 2011
By writergirl156 SILVER, Waxhaw, North Carolina
writergirl156 SILVER, Waxhaw, North Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived life."

"Why are you trying so hard to fit in, when you were born to stand out?"

Useless words,
Impossible promises.
Ploys desperately used to gain my attention.
I melted in your vat of hypocrisy.
The wall holding back my feelings
quickly crumbling.
With one gigantic leap of faith,
I allowed you close to me.
Foolishly relying on your sincerity.
You had me hooked.
Once certain of this,
you pulled the trigger.
The one sending me straight to
Useless words turn to One word.
Impossible promises evaporating,
transforming into awkward pauses.
No more security.
The wall quickly being put together again.
Will we make it through?
All I want is to be pursued.
Instead, my heart is left battered and bruised.
My feelings poured out on display, wishing more than anything things hadn't turned out this way.

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