Wild One | Teen Ink

Wild One

September 30, 2011
By fluffymickeyroo GOLD, Clarence Center, New York
fluffymickeyroo GOLD, Clarence Center, New York
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
to ride or not to ride? what a stupid question!

They roam the land proud and free,

They fly far past others,

But never past me,

I have wings on my feet,

And my mane flies free,

My hooves are the thunder,

My tail the lighting sea,

And while our worlds falling asunder,

I am always the last to flee,

The author's comments:
This is for the wild horses who humans herd up each year. It's about a herd of horses and their lead mare or stallion who have to flee from the humans, who build on their land and try to break them of their strong spirits.

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