The Fox | Teen Ink

The Fox

October 4, 2011
By fluffymickeyroo GOLD, Clarence Center, New York
fluffymickeyroo GOLD, Clarence Center, New York
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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to ride or not to ride? what a stupid question!

His bushy tail,

and coat of red,

So soft to touch,

yet hard to get,

He owns the night,

and summer suns,

That turns fur to firey red,
He wanders through the forest bright,
Small black eyes that light up the night,

Watch for prey,

or a snack to chew,
But he always runs away from you.

The author's comments:
Well its about a fox and no matter how hard you try you can never seem to find him yet you find trails of his being there.

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