Prayer for Thine Lips | Teen Ink

Prayer for Thine Lips

October 11, 2011
By NotWriting_Bazinga PLATINUM, Park Rapids, Minnesota
NotWriting_Bazinga PLATINUM, Park Rapids, Minnesota
33 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"She thought in Italics and felt in CAPITALS." Henry James, Jr
"The terrible part is the truth is the only thing you want to hear.... but the last thing you want to admit." Casey Dalton

I kneel before Thee
With a single prayer
I know in Thine eyes
I am not loyal
Nor am I believing
But I pray to Thee
Just one single prayer
I am not ashamed
Nor am I contrite
I have denied Your contracts
And I have not yet succumbed
To Your demanding customs
But I need Your wisdom
I need Your ways
I pray to Thee
Please set him free
Free his mind and free his heart
Give him the strength
Let him know what he wants
Let him decide for himself
O Lord, I know I am myopic
I know I pray for me alone
But, please O Lord
If you have any mercy
Hear my prayer
For his lips

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem.... and then I got his lips... :)

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