Monster | Teen Ink


March 26, 2012
By Marie-Meyers GOLD, St. Louis, Missouri
Marie-Meyers GOLD, St. Louis, Missouri
15 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"Sometimes, the bluest part of the sky always seems clearest, so that you may always strive to reach it.\"

Just for you,
I'll act the ways you taught me,
play the games that break others.
Do the things that make them cry.

You've taught me best
that when it's time for dogs to sleep,
beat them if they refuse to lie.

You're the dragon Briar Rose needs a saving from.

The embers of this cigarette,
ash away, like the kingdom's memory,
as it slips into the Slumber.

Hey God,
where do we go from here?

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