A Few Notes on this "Earth" | Teen Ink

A Few Notes on this "Earth"

March 27, 2012
By Eringobragh GOLD, Charlottesville, Virginia
Eringobragh GOLD, Charlottesville, Virginia
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Call me what you like, I'm taking your cake." (Death Note)

Outside, the sky is speckled with the shadowless,
Soft white figures that drift with no intent,
So high above that I wonder what they see
From their perch; do they notice me here,
Longing to touch them simply to know
How they keep themselves aloft?

Beneath white puffs, growing from the ground,
Grey-skinned and many-armed creatures
Sprout fingers to clutch at the breeze.
They salute each other in friendly greeting.
None of them heeding the others, I see,
Because their limbs keep waving.

What strange creatures these are,
Each one unique, yet startlingly similar.
No two are colored or patterned or shaped the same,
But each acts alike, save a few.
They cannot bear to be apart, calling always
Desperate for the attention of their fellows.

A strange planet, this "Earth."
I try to understand its inhabitants, but I fear I shall not.
This visit is too short to suffice, it would take a lifetime
Or more, perhaps, to come to terms
With the oddities shared and varied among earthlings.
Perhaps they exist to not be understood.

The author's comments:
The assignment was to write from the point of view of an extraterrestrial visitor to Earth, sending a post card home. Of course, I think humans would be freaking out a bit more with a Martian in their midst.

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