Catching a Big Fish With the Big Kids | Teen Ink

Catching a Big Fish With the Big Kids

April 19, 2012
By Margie-May SILVER, Wyoming, Michigan
Margie-May SILVER, Wyoming, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Scream on the top of your lungs" - Munro Chambers (aka Elli Goldsworthy) Degrassi

During every single summer,
When we stayed up giggling,
When we toasted marshmallows
Over the crackling fire,
When I had two homes,
When girls did boy things,
When popularity was measured
By the number of bruises,
When the big kids were only twelve;

Every single summer-
Because they blended together,
Leaving me unsure of what happened when-
I had the time of my life.

We would cram into the boat,
Cast out our lines,
Splash around,
Splash each other,
Dig our hands into the container of wiggly worms,
It didn’t matter.
The grimier we got the better,
What are lakes for anyways?

I was a good fisherman,
I could give my daddy a run for his money.
I cast my line out.
And waited… And waited…
And waiiii....t I got a bite.

I reeled and reeled,
It was a big one,
I could tell.
But no way was I taking help from a big kid,
I could do it all by myself.

Finally the fish surfaced,
Flopping and splashing inside the boat.
If you could have seen me then,
Grinning from ear to ear.
Such a simple, genuine, happiness.

The author's comments:
This poem is based on the poem "A Gift of Watermelon Pickles I Recieved by a Friend Called Felicity". It is all about what childhood means. In this poem i brought to life one of the most prominent memories of my childhood.

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