The Armored Hearts | Teen Ink

The Armored Hearts

May 28, 2012
By Wolf246 GOLD, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Wolf246 GOLD, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Our castle in the skyward Great Plains,
Damaged, scarred
The sanctuary desecrated.
With nowhere to run,
Nowhere to hide
From the frozen pain...

Your garden sanctuary,
Destroyed, disintegrated
Falls in pieces towards the Earth,
Your sadness, your tears
Reigns over, spread.

As your eyes are blinded by your tears,
A blazing light breaks through,
He opens your eyes, drying your tears
Lifts your castle back up above the Great Plains
And farther than before.

Your safe haven,
Restored, replenished
The attacks have stopped
As we are together, with an armored heart

Our kingdom hearts,
Two hearts as one
We have been hurt, but made us stronger

With us as one,
With us being complete...

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