Half Remembered Dream | Teen Ink

Half Remembered Dream

May 23, 2012
By Crying.Angel BRONZE, Autumn Court, Massachusetts
Crying.Angel BRONZE, Autumn Court, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone deserves the chance to shine like the sun, soar like a star, and be whoever it is that they are."

There was a dream that came in the early hours of dawn
But the details slipped away like lyrics to a half heard song
I dreamed about being free in the wind with wings.
To skim the stars while an angel sings,
In the mystical fog that glows in the sun,
The Faeries hide and it appears there's none.
Their wings hide them from sight
Just as they do through the night.
The dream has haunted me through the day,
Showing up in the simplest ways.
In the dream I was held by you tight,
All I know is it felt so right.
When the daytime came you knew me not
My heart was broken, I felt distraught.
For you won't see me and what we can be,
You don't know what I would do to make you see.
There was a dream that came to me in the early hours of dawn
But the details slipped away like lyrics to a half heard song.
Oh how I long, for that half remembered dream.

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