The Perfect Son | Teen Ink

The Perfect Son

July 16, 2012
By BeautifulDarkness BRONZE, St. Pete, Florida
BeautifulDarkness BRONZE, St. Pete, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You expect me to account for opinions which you choose to call mine, but which I have never acknowledged. ~Pride and Prejudice<br /> <br /> Laugh as much as you choose, but you will not laugh me out of my opinion. ~Pride and Prejudice

He was taught to live for the Family

Each day he looked in the mirror

Each day the same face reflected

The face was beautiful

The mark above his left eyebrow
A scar left from one of his Fathers "Lessons"
He had learned them well

These lessons were always taught
With Cruelty and Pain

I would not judge this boy harshly
For being what he has always been

Born a man
Raised to be a god

Everyone knows
Lessons taught with the Whip
Are difficult to unlearn

Hard to discern
Between Love and Hate

This boy
Who knows nothing of Mercy

Corrupted by his own Blood
Knowing not of Gentleness
Only of Indifference

His mother taught him Manners
His father Discipline

And This Boy no longer a boy
Was broken from birth

Never having the choice to choose
Molded to be the Perfect Son

Never did he have the option to Run

As the years passed
He became a different man
He grew Hard
And Cold

And thus by the age of 18
This man
Ruined young

Had become exactly as his father wanted
He had become The Perfect Son.

The author's comments:
This is my first crack at poetry. The poem is set in a time where there were many lords and high-ranking familys, The boy in the poem is from a particularly harsh family of aristocrats. The poem itself is about the environment the boy grew up in and how it influenced his character and the man he became.

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