When I think of You | Teen Ink

When I think of You

July 25, 2012
By Sidnee GOLD, Boonville, North Carolina
Sidnee GOLD, Boonville, North Carolina
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When I think of you I think ripped jeans and boots, camo and guns, When I think of you I think sweet texts and long hugs, water fights and sneaking around, When I think of you I think handmade bracelets that I never wanna take off, I think your gentle side and your loving wild side, When I think of you I think of the song "Dirty Little Secret" because we are a secret, I think cars and thing I know near nothing about, When I think of you I think boy scouts and all the odd things we have in common I think four-wheelers and dirt-bikes, When I think of you I think deer and hunting I think muddin and your love for dogs but hatred for cats, When I think of you I think about how much I love you...

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