Dear Soilder | Teen Ink

Dear Soilder

July 29, 2012
By bell1999 BRONZE, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania
bell1999 BRONZE, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life."

Dear Solider why must you go?

You are too smart to fall for the propaganda bestowed.

You’ve told me your dreams and sang to me tales,

But now if you leave they will go up for sale.

Solider you may say you are fighting for me,

But i’ve seen the graves.

Please don’t spare me.

You say you love your country,

But they’re telling you lies.

Thats no suprise,

Theres no need to die.

I love you dear solider

Don’t make me long for a kiss

That I can have if you stay

And don’t deport on that ship.

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