Dreamed of Happiness | Teen Ink

Dreamed of Happiness

September 13, 2012
By Kristen Calderoni SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
Kristen Calderoni SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I run across the hot sand as it stings the bottoms of my feet,
Finding a spot among the many people crowding me,
I run for the water taking in the fishy sea water as it cools my body off,
Underneath me the jagged shells and fierce crabs hitting against my feet.

I get out and the sand hits me while the sun is beating against my cool body from the ocean,
I sit in my chair and my legs rest against the now hot sand that from down by the waves was wet,
Reaching for the cooler I grab the sweet lemonade and drink from it,
The sweet cooling feeling running down my throat,
I take the bag of sour patch kids and eat away making faces as the sourness explodes in my mouth.

My eyes are getting heavy and I try not to flutter them,
But I can’t keep them open, and before I know it,
I am off into a deep sleep,
With dreams of happiness in my deep sleep.

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