Divorce | Teen Ink


September 18, 2012
By DevinHeaven117 SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
DevinHeaven117 SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Laugh your heart out<br /> Dance in the rain<br /> Cherish the memories<br /> Ignore the pain<br /> Love and learn<br /> Forget and forgive<br /> Because remember you <br /> Have only one life<br /> To Live!

divorce ruins lives and kills you inside
it drags you away just like a tide
sometimes your to small to even know
that one parent might be your foe
you feel like you have to choose a side
but all you want to do is hide
your stuck in a situation that hurts alot
you hate that your parents fought
now you are in court having to decide
at that moment you feel tongue tied
you want your parents to be together
you want them now and forever

The author's comments:
This situation really got to me with how it has affected my life, I just got the courage to write about it.

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