Guys Like You | Teen Ink

Guys Like You

October 30, 2012
By EmilyG17 SILVER, Topeka, Kansas
EmilyG17 SILVER, Topeka, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I would rather say "I did it" than "I gave up".

I despise guys like you.
Sexy face, body covered in tattoos.
All the girls are so impressed.
You brag about how you’re the best.

Fourteen girls you go through a week.
Playing each one with a special technique.
Breaking so many girls hearts,
Painless for you, you think you’re so smart.

But don’t lie when you see the Mourning Dove,
I know you wonder… what is love?
But you’re so full of your ego,
You feel like you need to roll around with a hoe.

So I despise guys like you
Not strong enough to break through
One day you’ll cry tears behind those shades.
Wishing you had changed… maybe then you wouldn’t have aids.

The author's comments:
A Pet Peeve of mine.

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