The Warmth of a Winter Coat | Teen Ink

The Warmth of a Winter Coat

November 12, 2012
By MrLost BRONZE, Saint James, Minnesota
MrLost BRONZE, Saint James, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The warmth of a winter coat,
keeping me soft, and calm.
The days ahead, are Summer’s opposite.
Without my red, winter coat;
how will I move?
How will I eat?
How will I stay calm?
How will I stay warm?
In the cold, winter drops of snow.

Thank you for being there,
my trustworthy winter coat.
You have brought me great protection.
Winter has ceased,
and I must hang you up.
I’ll see you next year,
for you can never be replaced.

The author's comments:
I was in the school's library, wearing my winter coat, and I fell asleep due to the warmth of the coat.

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