Love ... i was bored | Teen Ink

Love ... i was bored

November 27, 2012
By unknown252 BRONZE, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
unknown252 BRONZE, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When I think of Love
I think of you
And blue skies and green grass
Its Spring time
The flowers have just began to bloom
Yes daffodils and dandelions
Lily's and carnations too
Looking up , that's one heck of a sky
Even the clouds remind me of you

When I think of love
I think of your fake yawn
As your arms stretched around me
I laid my head on your chest
And simply closed my eyes
That's when I realized
That your heart beats the same as mine.

When I think of love
I think of you
And I ,
How you will always be mine .

The author's comments:
I came up with this in literally ten minutes , guess why its so corny .

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