Heart Attack | Teen Ink

Heart Attack

December 5, 2012
By Caroll BRONZE, Santiago Do Cacém, Other
Caroll BRONZE, Santiago Do Cacém, Other
4 articles 1 photo 3 comments

You’re there like nothing was going on
You lose me forever
I lose you forever
Our love is lost
is closed in box and the key is lost
at night I can’t sleep because i’m thinking in you
at day I can’t think because i’m thinking in you
you change me and now you lost me
everyday i hope that you’re thinking in me
but now I know that you don’t
I saw you with that girl
that beautiful girl
if I’m jealous? yes
but what hurt me was that you cause me a heart attack
the payne in my heart will never disappear
and i lose you forever
I am that girl that you cause a heart attack

The author's comments:
Heart Attack is a lost love
All the people have one
It's difficuld but one day will desepeard

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