Revenge | Teen Ink


December 3, 2012
By Frenchy21 SILVER, Yuba City, California
Frenchy21 SILVER, Yuba City, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our Greatest Fear by Marianne Williamson

Words pierce the heart like a knife,
Ears in pain from what seems like a screech,
Hands tremble as they slowly tighten,
Fingers curling into a fist.
Teeth grind while jaw locks into immovable position.

Thoughts race through the mind,
Shock overwhelms but soon is replaced.
Fingers soon flow through hair,
Then ends with a closed grip and tug.
A scream of mixed hatred and pain infiltrate the atmosphere.
The scream makes the devil himself shed a tear.

A cry for relief echoes,
But is never heard.
Questions arise,
"why?!" and "Why do this to me?!"
Thoughts of revenge takes its course.

The man is no more.
He is now something else,
Something driven and with a thirst.

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