Him and Me, I and He | Teen Ink

Him and Me, I and He

December 7, 2012
By MiracleLynn GOLD, Green River, Wyoming
MiracleLynn GOLD, Green River, Wyoming
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trust no one but yourself, because when everyone else is gone, you are all you'll have left.

I stay up 'till late at night,
Fighting a gruesome inner fight.
Ideas, statements, and questions fly through my head.
For long hours, I lay awake in be.
One question inherently come to mind,
Who am I?
The answer I often try to find.

I'm cruel yet sweet,
I'm messy but neat.
I smile and wave,
I'm lonely and brave.
I hate, I love,
I'm a crow, I'm a dove.
I'm young but old,
Quiet yet bold.
I try and I give up.
I'm all these things but never enough.

And then, prone to be,
Another question from my head flees.
Who is he?

He's kind yet mean,
He's dirty but clean.
He dances and laughs,
Alone, he follows the path.
He loves, he hates,
He's calm, he's irate.
He's fast but slowing,
Shy yet outgoing
He fights and gives in,
Life is a game that he can't seem to win.

Suddenly a thought comes to me,
We are just alike, I and he.
Alike are we, in more than one way,
How could've I not noticed until today?

But if we are so similar, he and I.
Then why won't it catch his eye,
That, together we were meant to be,
Him and Me.

The author's comments:
The thing the inspired me to write this poem was a boy I met a couple of years ago and over the past few years we have grown to be best friends. About a year ago I started falling for him and I told him how I feel and he thinks that we were only ment to be friends.

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