Aggravation | Teen Ink


December 15, 2012
By mhafner19 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
mhafner19 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I believe in you, but you have abandoned me.
My heart aches from the scars you left,
They are incapable of patching up my wound.

You have deserted me,

Rejected me.
I was once filled with love and compassion,
Until you drained me with your firm fingers.

I’ve wanted to tell you more than once,
However, my tears surge down my face.

My hearts asks you for forgiveness
I am only repudiated.

A callow girl,
Naïve to believe I could trust.
You’ve stolen my spirit and left me like a mummy,

Wandering around aimlessly.

Your vitriolic tongue
Swallows my confidence.
You convinced me I was cursed with leprosy,

Because I am a sinner.
I was eradicated by you, and by the world,
But you didn’t see that Jesus came to heal me.

Our love is a tunnel,
Black, and scary, and gloomy.

There is always a light at the end.

To you, I must thank.
Life cannot be taught,

You gave me the experience of life.
Shredding my soul to pieces can’t stop me,

I am resilient.

You may have thought you won,
But really, I’m just done.

The author's comments:
This an apostrophe to my ex boyfriend. I wrote it to express my heart break.

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