Reading Hamlet | Teen Ink

Reading Hamlet

December 16, 2012
By akirsch SILVER, Bellingham, Washington
akirsch SILVER, Bellingham, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waiting- waiting for a death
I lie upon my stomach
pressing my frustration into the floor
Will he kill?
The moment comes and goes-
he's lost the darkness
I yell- kill the king
yet he fears heaven
For whom?
No longer does the dagger thirst for blood
Claudius will live to kick his heels at heaven
Kill- kill the king -I wish for blood
Blood as black as ink across the page
Does that make me strange- to seek a murder?
Something must give-I want it to be flesh
The moment is gone- death has taken wing
Revenge is no longer the order of the day
Still I whisper kill – kill the king

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