World | Teen Ink


January 5, 2013
By xSkateforJesusx SILVER, Roseville, Michigan
xSkateforJesusx SILVER, Roseville, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Let love guide your life." -Paul

They hold so close
What I've pushed away
They push away
What they dont even know
It makes me sad
It makes me want to break
What they cherish
The work of nothing
I will find a way
To pull away
To tear up
And get rid of
The curtain of darkness
That blocks their eyes
To grab their hand
To pull them up
Put my arms around their shoulders
Brothers & Sisters
Love is what matters
Stomp on the hate
And carry on
Remember what their was
And move past

The author's comments:
The constant fight of the followers of Jesus vs the world.

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