TheWonderfully Miserable Trip | Teen Ink

TheWonderfully Miserable Trip

January 11, 2013
By Aecaine BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Aecaine BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How was my trip?

The sand was soft and soothing,
And the setting was superb.
My feet were worn and blistering,
Sinking into each step hurt.

The sun was bright and blasting,
Creating a warm summer heat.
Perfect weather for a day on the beautiful Michigan beach,
But the heat had started to burn my unprotected skin.
Creating more pain that I had to bare.

The beach seemingly endless,
Stretching for eternity,
But my determination wasn’t so limitless,
Knowing I had to go the whole way.

The scent of my delicious lunch still clouded around my nose,
But the scent caused the beach flies to swarm.
The water glistened in the sun right next to my burnt body.
But the water would have frozen my feet off within a second of contact.

The wonderful misery of backpacking,
A painful memory in my head.

The wonderful misery of backpacking,
When can I go back again?

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