Dreaming | Teen Ink


January 14, 2013
By BlaccPowwa420 BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
BlaccPowwa420 BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Slowly, too slowly, I drifted away. All too find my mind back into the epicenter of thoughts. I walked through the purple field, observing the nature of my own mind. These places I go seem so exotic. Nothing is where it should be, the grass as the sky, the sky as the grass. It is extraordinary what can happen during the course of a night’s sleep. The average man, turns into Super-Man. The average tree can now talk. Rambling and uncontrollable thoughts cross your mind in extreme detail. Sometimes it feels like a lifetime, other times not. But all while one is dreaming about spuds and dragons there is the worst moment of all. That horrible moment would be waking up. And now that you have woken up there is no more fun, just reality.

The author's comments:
Its pretty gucci.

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