Why I Have Two Eyes | Teen Ink

Why I Have Two Eyes

January 17, 2013
By mcotterill BRONZE, Lombard, Illinois
mcotterill BRONZE, Lombard, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Two eyes, two reasons
One to see the person within
To see narrow, the way tended to look first
Naïve to the worlds and the depth within
But I need this eye to see me
To see the great things I have
A house a family, new clothes, food on the table
But the other eyes is there to remind me to see the world in which I live in
Not to take the simple things for granted
To see there’s more to the world than just me
This eye shows me the real in reality
Shows me were not perfect and that there are people who need my help
That young boy on the street appreciates anything I can spare to give him
This eye reminds me
This eye is the eye to the world
But still I have the eye to see me and keep me balanced
Without seeing me I cannot see the world
When I can see myself and the person I want to be, then, just then, I can see beyond myself and see the world I live in
And see the impact I can bring on it
One eye to see me, one eye to see the world
Together I see faith in all
This is why I have two eyes

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