My Love | Teen Ink

My Love

January 16, 2013
By NickFias SILVER, Rochester Hills, Maine
NickFias SILVER, Rochester Hills, Maine
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sat solitary and empty,
fate tried to tempt me.
This guitar shattered in my hand,
it wilted. I had to stand
to carry on responsibly.

Your love was a rose never watered,
beautiful and colorful until slaughtered.
I, NEVER, truly believed we belonged together.
Thoughts of forever,
but your lies were awkward.

I still ponder why I cared, depression.
You were determined to nail me into submission.
I don’t belong here. Time to escape
to continue my life, not hate.
Ecstatic for rebound, no need to listen.

The author's comments:
I wrote this about the girl I really really like.

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