Forever is Lost | Teen Ink

Forever is Lost

January 19, 2013
By AltoAshley BRONZE, N/A, West Virginia
AltoAshley BRONZE, N/A, West Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Living is a great honor and an even greater burden.

Forever is now never
Never stays never
Happiness is sorrow
Sorrow is hate
Life is too hard
Forever is too long
Never is too unbecoming
Happiness is too sad
Sorrow s too resented
Yet we create these
We make them felt
Knowing that no one wants to fell them
Or perhaps you just forgot
Perhaps you knew forever meant never
Together forever
Together for never
Forever, for never
A perfect match for the world today
Sorrow takes over
Happiness diminishes
Pain becomes something people long for
Death becomes an easy way out
Happiness becomes hurt
Hate becomes love
Love becomes hate
Why do we lie?
Why do we hurt when we know hurt is awful?
Why must people continue to grow evil?
Why do we continue to kill when death is what we want?
Why on Earth, should I be asking these questions?
Why am I, a small piece of nothing, asking the things people know?
Why am I?
Have we not asked ourselves this?
Have we not realized out wrong doings?
Have we not yet realized forever means never?
Have we not realized that forever is lost?

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because I was thinking about how all the things that are happening now in schools everywhere, all the drama, would mean absolutely nothing. People say they'll love you forever, they lie. People say 'I'll know you forever.' They lie. Maybe nt intentionally but they still do.

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